Monday, October 31, 2011

Mud Treatments and Modeling Sessions

Happy Halloween Everyone!

I hope you-all are having a fantastic fall.  I know I am.  The weather has cooled considerably to a much more comfortable level.  There have even been several frosts.  Fortunately we have not had any of the snow that's been reported.  Come to think of it, I'm not really sure I know what snow is.  I hear it's white and wet and cold though.  I wonder if it's fun to roll in? 

I sure like rolling in mud.  Of course when I do roll in mud, it takes K longer to groom me and the dried mud from my head and poll end up falling into her eyes while she curries.  She's really nice to me about it though as she clearly understands how important a weekly mud treatment is to a horse.

Aside from my mud treatments and K's extra grooming, I've had a fairly light couple of weeks.  Due to the loss of light in the evenings, I am only able to see K on weekends.  We've been trying to make the most of them, working on lots and lots of trotting to build my stamina. K and I have also been working on my canter.  K tells me there are left and right leads.  Apparently I'm very good with my right lead but not so good with my left lead.  I don't know...More to come on leads later.  K has also been asking me to flex my neck side to side and jiggles my reins asking me to relax my head.  When I flex properly K rewards me with a sugar cube (yum!) and lots of praise. I think I am supposed to flex regularly, but that's one more thing to think about in addition to moving off K's leg and not tripping. This riding stuff is much harder than racing!

This past Saturday was an interesting day.  K and I had a light workout because the ground was very slippery.  To make up for that K had me try on some new items.  I now have a turnout blanket to protect me from the afore mentioned snow and a blanket liner to wear underneath when it's really cold.  I also tried on two bridles.  One was a jumper bridle that sort of fit and the other, an old hunt bridle, didn't fit at all.  K believes that I will outgrow all of the bridles she has and is trying to find a fit and style that will show off my best features. 

The photos from my modeling session are on R's camera.  I'll be sure to ask her to post them.  Once up, would you my dear readers be so kind and to tell me which bridle style you think shows me to  advantage?

K also told me that she's taking me to something called a "horse show" in a couple of weeks.  I don't know what a horse show is.  Is it like racing?  Do I go to show off?  I'll have to have K explain this in detail this the next time I see her.   

Until next time, I hope you get to enjoy a mud treatment or two and perhaps a few sugar cubes and oat cookies for Halloween!


K would like everyone to know that my turnout blanket and blanket liner were purchased from the Central Kentucky Riding for Hope (CKRH) benefit tack sale.  CKRH is a non-profit program that provides equine therapy for children and adults with special needs.  K has provided a link to their website should anyone wish more information.

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