Saturday, June 30, 2012



I hope that everyone is well and that you are keeping cool in this scorching heat. My pasture mates and I have been drinking lots of water and trying to stay in the shade of the tree lines bordering our field.

I haven't been working for the past few weeks. First, K took a temporary job helping an Arabian horse member organization with their horse show. She worked very long hours and was only able to come and visit me during meal times. Just as K's job concluded I got a very bad cut across my right hind heel. I know, I know. I just can't seem to stay out of trouble! K has been helping me recover by cleaning out my cut and applying medicine. I am almost fully recovered thanks to K's help.

My other news is that I have switched fields. For some reason other geldings bully me and, in addition to my heel cut, I received several bites and a kick to my other hind leg. Bullying is wrong! To keep me safe, K and S, the farm owner, moved me to a neighboring field with mares Molly and Dominique. Molly, Domi and I are getting along great! My bites and scrapes, cuts and kick are healing nicely and I don't have to wear my full-body fly sheet, aka body protector, anymore. I didn't really like the fly sheet anyway, it got in the way of my dirt rolls. It's also much too hot (101 degrees!) to wear anything this weekend.

I had my feet trimmed yesterday and K says she's going to ease me back into work next week.

That's the news for now. I am going to try very hard to stay injury free and to keep cool and hydrated. Please be sure and try to do the same.
