Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Hi Everyone!

Today is my birthday!  I am now four years old!  K gave me a couple of cookies today in celebration.  Yum!

K had me lunge for a few minutes today to ease back in to my exercise program.  I worked at walk and trot in both directions and at both ends of the indoor arena.  When we were done, K let me off the line to explore.  One of the walls is shiny and there was another horse there!  He looked and moved just like me.  I admit I had to study this other horse for several minutes before K finally explained that the other horse was me!  Apparently the shiny wall is made up of mirrors which shows us our reflection, just like looking at water.

After my exercise I received a nice grooming session, had my toes painted with Keratex Hoof Hardener and ate my dinner.  After dinner K had me try on one of Sweepit's halters for size.  Do you think she's picking out my birthday present?  She's mentioned shopping at some big shindig she calls Rolex for several weeks.

Speaking of birthdays and presents, tomorrow is Sweepit's birthday!  Happy Birthday Sweepit!


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